What is Irrigation? explain the sources of irrigation in India.



Irrigation refers to the artificial application of water to the soil or land to support the growth of crops, maintain landscapes, or assist in the growth of vegetation in areas with inadequate natural rainfall. It is an essential practice in agriculture to ensure food security and sustain farming activities, especially in regions prone to drought or seasonal water shortages. Irrigation is critical in regions where rainfall is insufficient, uneven, or seasonal, ensuring consistent agricultural productivity. In India, irrigation is vital for agriculture, given the country’s dependence on monsoons. The primary sources of irrigation in India include:

Sources of Irrigation:

1. Surface Water Sources

  • Rivers and Canals: Rivers like the Ganga, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri are major sources of irrigation. Canals, fed by rivers, are a main source of surface irrigation in states like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan.
  • Lakes, Tanks, and Ponds: Common in southern states such as Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka. These water bodies are important for small-scale irrigation.

2. Groundwater Sources

  • Wells: Traditional dug wells are widely used in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh.
  • Tube Wells: These are deeper and rely on aquifers, providing extensive irrigation in areas with sufficient groundwater, such as Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh.

3. Rainwater Harvesting

  • Traditional Systems: Methods like step wells (Baoris) in Rajasthan, tanks in Tamil Nadu, and bamboo drip irrigation in Meghalaya have been historically significant.
  • Modern Rainwater Storage: Harvesting rainwater for irrigation during dry periods is becoming increasingly important in semi-arid and arid regions.

4. Dams and Reservoirs

India has several large dams and reservoirs for irrigation, such as:

  • Bhakra Nangal Dam (Sutlej River)
  • Hirakud Dam (Mahanadi River)
  • Sardar Sarovar Dam (Narmada River)
  • Krishna and Godavari Basin Projects

5. Modern Techniques

  • Drip Irrigation: Efficiently delivers water to the roots of plants; widely adopted in states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Tamil Nadu for crops like sugarcane and fruits.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation: Used in areas with uneven terrain, especially in Rajasthan and Karnataka.

Types of Irrigation Systems

  1. Surface Irrigation: Water is distributed across the land which is available easily.
  2. Drip Irrigation: Delivers water directly to the roots of plants through pipes and emitters.
  3. Sprinkler Irrigation: Water is sprayed over crops.
  4. Subsurface Irrigation: Water is applied below the soil surface directly to the roots.

Purposes of Irrigation

  1. Agricultural Support: Providing water to crops during dry season or throughout the growing season.
  2. Soil Maintenance: Preventing soil compaction and maintaining its moisture content.
  3. Temperature Control: Protecting crops from frost and regulating soil temperature.
  4. Rehabilitation: Restoring degraded lands for agricultural use.

also read: explain the irrigational development in India.

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