What is agricultural productivity? explain the causes and measures of low agricultural productivity in India.



Agriculture productivity relates to land productivity that is yield per hectare. It is express in physical production rather than on volume concept. We take into account the quantity of the producing and not the value. The causes and measures of low agricultural productivity are;

 Agricultural productivity though low is slowly and steadily rising during 1950-51 and 2010-2011 for most of the crops. It is admitted the fact that agricultural product in India continuous to be considerable lower than in other countries. For instance productivity of wheat in India is about 90% of the product and in USA, UK it is about 36% of the productive capacity in France.

Causes of low agriculture productivity:

General causes:

  • Overcrowded agriculture: Indian agriculture is overcrowded by the people this has led to decline in the per capita land area, subdivision and fragmentation of land holding, disguised unemployment is common in India.
  • Lack of finance storage and marketing facilities: Agricultural productivity in India has suffered in the initial stages due to non availability of finance, storage and marketing facilities. the provision made under planning are inadequate
  • Lack of improve seed, manure and plan production: The Indian farmer select his seeds indiscriminately and often haven’t to buy them from grocery shop when the sowing season is on poor quality of seat yield in poor quality of crops. Failure of applying the chemical fertilizer and applying the pesticides at proper time is the cause for the low productivity.
  • Weakness in policy perception: Recent researcher studies have drawn attention to this factor owing to a number of economic and political compulsions, the Indian strategy for agriculture growth remain lagging in many respects.

 Institutional causes:

  • Uneconomical size of holdings: India is a poor country consisting of small farmers every farmer owns a land more than 74% of the total land holding is small in sizes. The land holdings are small and scattered. The use of modern science and technology has become a comprehensive task. The small size of the holding has contributed to the low productivity of agriculture.
  • Faulty land system: Due to defective land system there are two classes that is the class of landlords and the tenants. The class of landlords exploits the tenants; under tenancy system land belongs not to the tiller but to the landlords. The tenant has no security and he cannot invest under their difficult condition. It is impossible to expect the farmer to increase produce.

Technology causes:

  • Traditional Techniques of production: Primitive and poor techniques of production inadequate and absolute nature of implements and failure apply modern science and technology to our agriculture have been the contributory factor for the low productivity of agriculture. in India, our farmers entangled in the vicious circle of poverty have continued agricultural operation with old methods.
  • Inadequate irritation facilities: Indian agriculture is still a gamble in the monsoon agriculture production in our country is highly dependent on the uncertainty of rainfall monsoons are irregular, uncertain, unfriendly and unevenly distributed.
  • Subsistence farming: Agriculture in India has remainder low income occupation for century. our farmers are satisfied with the substances type of farming they have never considered agriculture a business proposition this has kept our farmers in a state of misery and poverty. under such conditions farmer cannot expect the increased production.
  • Rural indebtedness: Rural indebtedness is another contributed factor to the low productivity of agriculture in India the Indian farmers cannot come out of it he cannot find anything to invest as he has to pay all the income to the creditors.

Remedial measures:

The causes of low productivity of agriculture themselves are suggestive remedial measures in addition to increase agriculture productivity in India following steps should be taken.

  • Program for the balance regional development.
  • utilization and modernized should be the objective of rural people.
  • Improve the agricultural practices.
  • Effective and proper implementation of land reform policy.
  • Encouragement for adult literacy program.
  • Liberal supplied of HIV seeds chemical fertilizers insecticides and modern machinery.
  • Irrigation facilities to be extended.
  • The facilities of cheap and institutional credit through cooperative be provided.
  • Price support policy must be adopted regularly.
  • Research work on high yielding varieties, drought- resisting varieties and on pesticide should be increased.
  • The marketing facilities must be provided with warehousing.
  • Adequate  public health measures be adopted.
  • Improvement in the administrative setup should be made.
  • Extension of irrigation facilities and tackling the problem of soil erosion.
  • Incentive to the agriculturalist to encourage them to increase productivity.
  • Focusing on dry land farming is needed.
  • Subsidies under direct assistance program for agriculture development is needed.

also read: explain the importance of agriculture in Indian economy?

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