Explain the measures to control the population problem in India.



India has 2.4% of the world’s land area with about 17.5% of the world’s population; every 6th person on the Earth is an Indian. India is a country having the second highest population in the world. At the current rate of growth the populations of India will double every 30 years. The present rate of growth of population per annum is very high and needs to check by the positive efforts with the advent of planning, their where extension of medical facilities and there was a short decline in death rate. Bu there was a short fall of birth rate as a result there was a population explosion in India. In India, we have vast natural resources, at the same time the population of the country is also growing at a rapid rate. The measures to check the population are.

Measures to check the growth of population:

Economic measures:

The economic measure suggested that the controls of population growth are as following:

  1. Rapid industrial development: Rapid industrialization of the country can be an important major for the control of the population growth. rapid industrialization provides employment to the people it contribute to the growth of towns and cities and brings about changes in the outlooks of the people. industries can attract some people from agriculture and thereby  reduce overcrowding moreover the people employed in industries may intend to have small family owing to various reasons,
  2. Generation of employment opportunities: The government must think of providing employment to more number of people. It has to encourage the towns and cities in order to induce people to migrate from country side to cities the government will have to create more jobs opportunities in their places.
  3. Provision of education: Contribution of education in bringing down the birthplace significant. It changes the attitude of a person towards family marriage and the government must give overriding priority for education.
  4. Income distribution: The government must try to bring about a drastic change in the system of income distribution this will change the present day social setup and will remove poverty. The state must think of giving the guarantee of right to work and ensure living wages to everyone.
  5. Agriculture development: In India agriculture is the main occupation. the government must try to increase agriculture production and the income of agriculturists. Then the farmers and agricultural labours right to have smaller family then the before.
  6. Removal of property: Poor people have virtually no interest in limiting the size of the family. In their opinion additional children means additional earning the government should start welfare programs to curtail poverty.
  7. Development of transport and communication: Different means of transport and communication increases the contact among the people of different areas. This will increase their awareness and they can understand importance of family planning.
  8. Development of trade and commerce: This will increase per capita income and rise in the standard of living of the people this will indirectly control the growth of population.

Social measures:

Many of social causes are deep routed in the social life of the country. Unless these social evils are removed population control is not possible, the important social measures suggested for the control of birth rate are given below.

  1. Improving the status of women: literacy rate of women in India is very low. according to 2001 census it was only 54.16% without improving the women literacy rate, it is not easy to bring down the birth rate the government must try to improve the status of women in all walks of life.
  2. Migration: It can be one of the measures for solving the problem of for population the government must encourage migration of people to other countries but this is not easy task.
  3. Redistribution: It means sending people from the densely populated region to the sparsely populated region. This measure can be help to curtail extent to solve the overpopulation problem.
  4. Removal of ignorance: The people of India are illiterate, ignorant and superstitious. They are tradition bound and they in believe in fantastic theory. There is a clear lack of rationality. There unscientific attitude have to be changed.

Family planning measures:

This program is an important device of controlling population explosion. this device is universally recognized today by all the countries.

Family planning means limiting the size of the family by conscious efforts” the motto of family planning implies planning the number of children in the family. Family planning is an instrument of social transformation; it aims at creating better parents, healthier children and happier homes. It seeks to inject social responsibility into married life thus, family planning means Planned Parenthood.

 Family planning methods can be adopted in two ways they are

  • moral controls
  • birth control method

 Moral control:

  • Postpone of marriage
  • Practice celibacy remaining unmarried
  • Self restraints
  • Professional prostitution
  • Rising the age of marriage Etc.

Birth control measures:

  • Use of contraceptives
  • Use of loops
  • Abortion       
  • Sterilization of both males and females
  • That is vasectomy for males and tubectomy for females
  • Laparoscopy

Measure to popularize family planning:

  • A provision of public information program
  • Effective propaganda of family planning
  • Provision of incentives and disincentives
  • Opening family planning centers
  • Research in the field of demography
  • Systematic population education.

also read: explain the causes for the rapid growth of population in India.

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