Distinguished between economic growth and economic development.



Economic growth and economic development are both terms used in economics to describe progress in a nation’s economy, but they have different meanings and implications. The difference between economic growth and economic development are:

Economic Growth:

Economic growth refers to an increase in a country’s output of goods and services, typically measured by the rise in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or Gross National Product (GNP). It primarily focuses on quantitative changes within an economy. It is often associated with an increase in a nation’s wealth or income, as reflected by higher production and consumption levels. Growth is usually measured by GDP growth rate, per capita income, and other economic indicators that show higher production levels. Economic growth does not account for factors like income inequality, poverty, education, health, and environmental quality. High growth can still coexist with social and economic disparities.

2. Economic Development:

Economic development is a broader concept that encompasses improvements in standards of living, education, health, environmental sustainability, and economic well-being. It focuses on qualitative changes within an economy, emphasizing better living standards, health outcomes, literacy rates, reduced poverty, and economic inclusion. Indicators include the Human Development Index (HDI), poverty rates, life expectancy, literacy rates, and access to basic needs like clean water and healthcare. Development involves sustainable growth that doesn’t compromise future generations’ ability to meet their needs and often emphasizes environmental protection.

Difference between economic growth and economic development

DifferencesEconomic growthEconomic development
ScopeNarrow scopeWider scope
NatureQuantitative phenomenonQualitative phenomenon
ApproachMacroeconomic approachMicro economic approach
MeasurementMeasured in terms of real per capita incomeMeasured in terms of real national income
RelationshipIt is an effect of developmentA cause of economic growth
ApplicationRelates to developed countryRelates to underdeveloped country
PeriodLong periodShort period
CharacterSpontaneousRegulated and controlled
ConnectionPossible without developmentNot possible without growth
InterferenceMinimum govt. interferenceMaximum govt. interference
Nature of processAutomatic processInduced process
ResultExpansion without a change in structureWith structural transformation
DimensionSingle dimensionMulti dimension
SignificanceQuantitative significanceQualitative significance


While economic growth is necessary for development, it is not sufficient. Economic development requires that growth translates into improved living standards and equality. In short, economic growth is about more wealth, while economic development is about better lives.

also read: explain the determinants of economic growth.

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