Explain the causes for the rapid growth of population in India.



India has 2.4% of the world’s land area with about 17.5% of the world’s population; every 6th person on the Earth is an Indian. India is a country having the second highest population in the world. At the current rate of growth the populations of India will double every 30 years. The present rate of growth of population per annum is very high and needs to check by the positive efforts with the advent of planning, their where extension of medical facilities and there was a short decline in death rate. Bu there was a short fall of birth rate as a result there was a population explosion in India. In India, we have vast natural resources, at the same time the population of the country is also growing at a rapid rate. The causes of rapid growth of population are:

Causes of population:

Economic factors:

Economic environment of a country influence human behavior to a great extent. Even fertility has its basis in the economic life of the country. The economic factors which are contributing to the rapid growth of population are.

  • Predominance of agriculture: Agriculture is the main occupation of the majority of Indians. in agriculture it is always possible to find some work or the other for children. it is for this reason that in agrarian society children have never been consider an economic burden.
  • Poverty: Majority of the people in India living below the poverty line. the poor people do not bother about effect of increasing population. they consider that additional children will bring additional earning hands and supplement income of the family.
  • Slow urbanization process: The proportion of urban population in India is still very low due to slow urbanization process; the proportion of urban population in India in 2001 was 27.8% .the slow urbanization process is contributing to the population growth in the country. Urbanization process is generating social forces which usually bring down the birth rate. Upbringing of children in cities is far more costly and difficult than in villages.
  • Predominance of villages: India is a country of villages most of our population lives in rural areas majority of the villagers are illiteracy, ignorant and tradition bound to economic cost of bringing up of children is lower in rural areas that is why population in rural India is increasing very rapidly.
  • Hesitation to adopt family planning: The people in India both in rural and urban areas are not coming forward to adopt family planning they do not even understand importance of family planning.

Social factors:                       

Contribution of social factors to the high birth rate is tremendous. These factors are given below.

  • Universal marriage: Marriage is universal in India and it is both religious and social necessity. Majority of the people in India get married and that is the reason why the population is increasing.
  • Early marriage: In India marriages not only universal but it is also take place at an early age. This increases the child bearing age of a woman.
  • Religious and social superstition: Majority of Indians, on account of their religious and social superstition, desires to have children having no regard for their economic condition. In India it is considered once dharma to have children.
  • Joint family system: Joint family system prevailing in India is contributing to the population growth in the country. This system indices young couple to have more children though they may not be in position to support them.
  • Illiteracy: Majority of the people in India are illiterate and ignorant. this huge section does not know the method of controlling and checking birth.
  • Polygamy: Existence of polygamy is also responsible for the high birth rate in the country.

Geographical factors:                    

 Various geographical factors are also contributing to India’s population growth the tropical climate of India is partially responsible for high birth rate. in the tropical climate girls and boys attend puberty at an early age this contributes to the longer span of reproductive and high birth rate.

Lack of education:

In India there is a lack of scientific population education, people cannot understand importance of family planning and the possible effects of population education should have become a part of our educational system.

Political factors:

The political and administrative factors which is prevailing in the country is also contributing to the rapid growth of population. It means there is a lack of strong steps towards the growing population.

also read: explain the features of developing economy with special reference to India.

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